Every summer the Fair comes to town, and even though this is only our 2nd summer here in Salem, it has become our tradition to go and "people watch" and of course, ride the rides and eat all of the greasy Fair food. It is well known around town that Roanoke's best of the best rednecks come out from their backwoods homes and hills to visit the fair. Because of this, the Fair caters to them and makes them feel right at home. We actually saw this vendor with nothing but Rebel bumper stickers!

Last July while my family was in town, we braved the Fair for the first time with them in tow, and boy did my dear West Coast family get an eyeful. My sisters Hannah, Ellie and Erika had quite the experience paying 50 cents to view "The Smallest Woman in the World" and riding the giant swing ride. Here's a picture from last year of me, my dad and Hannah just arriving for a night of fun:

But it was fun this year for just Ralph and I to take Cameron-- and even though we didn't get to ride anything this year, we had a blast just strolling him through the crowds of Confederate Flagged tee-shirts and overalls.
Gotta love the South.

It was Ralph's TV station's night at the Fair, so here he is representing!

LOL!!! I love the picture of the couple...definitely not the Del Mar Fair! :-)
Erika & Ellie talked about the Salem Fair the whole time they were at our house. I know they were disappointed they didn't get to go this year. I can't wait to see Cameron, looks like he is just getting cuter & cuter by the day!
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