Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Smiles...oh the smiles!

Okay so first things first...I swore that when I had a baby all my posts wouldn't be about the baby or being a mom. I lied. I'm sorry, but I really have nothing else going on in my world except him! Now for the fun stuff. Cameron smiled at me! I had been waiting since the day he was born for him to smile! And to smile at me, not off into space or one of those "gas" smiles. But the other day he finally did, and he has been smiling ever since. I got a really cute video of his smiling and cooing but I took it on my camcorder and I can't find my USB cable to get the video onto the computer. So yesterday I captured this video on my regular camera, it is shorter and not as many smiles, but you get the point!


Allison and Noah Riley said...

Adorable! What a fun age!

Do people tell you a lot they think Cameron looks like Ralph? I know I've only met Ralph two or three times, so I'm sure that makes me the expert on the subject :).

Merianne said...

So precious!!