Friday night was Cameron's first trip to a baseball game. In our town, the AAA affiliate of the Boston Red Sox has a team. They are the Salem Red Sox, and the stadium is literally 2 minutes from our house. Friday the weather was perfect, not too hot, not too cold and Cameron was a good boy all throughout the game! Okay, so he fell asleep in the 6th inning and we left in the 8th, but it was still awesome to have him there! Our seats were amazing...they were right on top of the Red Sox's dugout on the 3rd base line. In between innings, they had the "Sheriff of Mayberry" (hey, Andy Griffith is HUGE out here!) do contests with the Red Sox mascot and various fans. We caught some pictures of the Pie Eating contest that took place 5 feet from our seats! If you have ever seen the movie "Stand By Me" you'll agree with me that this scene was all to familiar! All in all, we had a fun, family night out and can't wait to do it again.
Mommy and Cameron:

Claussen's at the game!

Great Seats!

Pie Eating Contest!

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