Monday, March 2, 2009

Nobody cares what I want!!

So my last post was called "I want Spring." I even wrote a line in there about the fact that I was sick of it being so cold and not even having any snow to enjoy. Weeeelllllll..... someone WAS paying attention about the snow thing. But apparently they also don't care that I I NEED Spring! We don't get much snow here in the South, but Saturday night it started falling, and didn't stop until Monday morning. Here is what we got:

That's a picture of our backyard through our back window (Hey I'm not going out there if I don't have to!) All in all, we probably got about 4 or 5 inches, which for a city that hadn't seen ANY snow all winter long, it was a big deal. What makes me laugh though is that they close down all the schools and busnesses (even my Lamaze class tonight got cancelled!) and people are stocking up at the grocery stores like it's the end of the world. The peeps back in Salt Lake City would be laughing there heads off if they could see the pandemonium and breaking news stories. As for me, my commute from the upstairs to the downstairs was extra treachorous this morning. Maybe I'll say I need to take a "snow day."


Allison and Noah Riley said...

Is that a playhouse in the backyard? Or do I have a poor sense of size/spatial considerations?

If it's a playhouse, that's probably the coolest news I've seen all day... If it's your neighbor, please don't tell them I thought it was a fake house. :)

Becky said...

A lot of people think it is a playhouse but it is really a tool shed for Ralph!