So as everyone knows, Ralph and I don't have any family here in Roanoke. Actually, we have very few friends either, except the ones we've made through work. But one of those friends (Rhonda) was so excited when I told her that we were pregnant way back in September that she told me she was throwing me a shower. And she did! We invited all the ladies from Ralph's work at the TV station plus a few others. I had an absolute blast. The thought of having everyone pamper me that day as well as celebrate this baby that Ralph and I have been waiting so long for was surreal. Here are a few shots from my awesome baby shower! Thank you Rhonda!
Eating cake and yummy finger foods in the kitchen:

The diaper "cake":

Chatty Cathy:

The generous gift pile:

The group (in the 2nd pic you can see our 3D ultrasound DVD we had playing in the background):

The diaper "teddy bear" gift"

Me having my tummy measured (it was one of the guessing games):

Happy mama opening presents (that's Rhonda to my right!)