BEHOLD! The Cadbury Creme Egg!! I have to say that I love those months every year between January and April when the stores start selling these delicious confections. I seriously have to have mini-talks with myself so that I do not eat a dozen of these every day. Luckily they come in those handy 4 packs so I have no choice but to ration them during the week. Thank you Cadbury, thank you.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
The Best Creation Known to Man....and Woman..
BEHOLD! The Cadbury Creme Egg!! I have to say that I love those months every year between January and April when the stores start selling these delicious confections. I seriously have to have mini-talks with myself so that I do not eat a dozen of these every day. Luckily they come in those handy 4 packs so I have no choice but to ration them during the week. Thank you Cadbury, thank you.
Monday, January 12, 2009
25 Week Belly

Oh my...I just looked back at the last time I posted a picture of my belly (19 weeks). It has gotten a wee bit bigger since then, and I can't believe I am more than 6 months along. It's funny because other than my backaches and not being able to sleep very well I don't notice my belly getting that much bigger. I have raved before about the wonder of maternity jeans and I'll do it again. I love em. I want to wear them for the rest of my life. You just never notice that you are getting fatter in them because they just keep stretching and stretching and stretching...and, you get the point.
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